Android vs Apple Display Technology: The Ultimate Comparison

January 28, 2022

As technology advances and mobile phone usage increases, it's important to consider display technology when choosing a phone. Two of the most popular phone brands on the market, Android and Apple, have different approaches to display technology. In this article, we'll compare the display technology of Android and Apple phones, and provide you with the information you need to choose the best option for you.

Screen Size and Resolution

Android phones have a wider range of screen sizes and resolutions than iPhones. While iPhones generally have high-quality screens, Android phones offer many options to fit your needs. The Samsung Galaxy S21, for example, has a larger screen than the iPhone 13 Pro, measuring 6.2 inches compared to 6.1 inches. However, the iPhone 13 Pro’s resolution is higher than that of the Galaxy S21.

It’s important to note that while Androids offer a wider range, Apple maintains its high-resolution displays, which allow for crisp and clear images. However, Android pixels tend to be denser per inch and can display more content on the screen.

Color Accuracy

Apple's display technology has been widely praised for its color accuracy, thanks to the advanced hardware and software calibration. On the other hand, Android phones have a more flexible color range, which may appeal to those who prefer vibrant and saturated colors.

Refresh Rate

Refresh rate refers to how many times a screen updates per second, and it determines how smoothly visuals appear. Android phones continue to have the upper hand when it comes to refresh rates. As of now, a few Android phones can attain a 120Hz refresh rate, while Apple's refresh rate is limited to 60Hz, with rumors of a 120Hz refresh rate for the iPhone 14.


In conclusion, Apple and Android displays both have their strengths and weaknesses. While Apple continues to offer high-quality resolutions, Androids provide more options and flexibility with screen size and refresh rates, both important factors in choosing a device that will suit your needs.

Remember, it's important to consider your needs and preferences when selecting a phone. Choosing between Apple and Android ultimately comes down to which display technology you value the most.


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